
To be a good software engineer

The Confident Mind



有名なプレイヤーと同じぐらい上手いと自分の事を言ったアメフトプレイヤーEli Manningの話。メディアは自信過剰と書いたが、

If he doesn’t have the conviction that he can do his job as well as anyone else …, then he invites uncertainty, hesitation, tension, and mediocrity into his game.

Introduction: What confidence is and isn’t

  • A sense of certainty - that feeling of having complete faith
  • about your ability - that you can do something or that you know something
  • which allows you to bypass conscious thought - so well you don’t have to think about it
  • And execute unconsciously - so you perform it automatically and instinctively.

What level is good enough? You you achieve the sufficient level in your practice, it’s good enough.



1 Accepting what you cannot change

The success cycle picture.


2 Building your bank account 1: filtering your past for valuable deposits

3 Building your bank account 2: constructive thinking in the present

4 Building your bank account 3: Envisioning your ideal future

5 Protecting Your Confidence Every day, no matter what


  1. 間違いは一時的なものである。
  2. 間違いや後退が一部のものである。
  3. 間違いは自分自身の現れではない。

Shooter's mentality: misses just make hits more likely, while hits just make more hits likely.

6 Deciding to be different

間違った考え(limiting belief):

Always be logical and think carefully about what you’re doing. Logicは過去に起こったことから未来を推測する。前に駄目だったものは今も駄目、という考えに陥る。Logicに重きを置きすぎると創造性、楽しみ、新しい物の発見を阻害する。

Always look for more knowledge, more information, more practice opportunities.

You better be really good at something before you become confident about it. 十分な準備ができないときの方が多い。

The team that makes the fewest mistakes wins. 間違いを気にしては挑戦は出来ない。

7 Entering the arena with confidence

「いい日をお過ごしください。もし悪い日と感じているならば気分を変えなさい。」というNew Oreansのバスドライバーの言葉が著者の頭にずっと残っている。