
To be a good software engineer

How to talk so kids will listen & Listen so kids will talk


How to talk so that kids will listen

1 Helping Children Deal with Their Feelings



2 Engaging Cooperation


Describe the problem


Give information

子供に情報を与えれば大体何をすれば良いのか判断できる。 「ゴミはゴミ箱だよ」「壁は絵を描くところじゃないよ。紙に書くんだよ」

Say it a word


Describe what you feel


Write a note



  1. Talk about the child’s feeling and needs
  2. Talk about your (parent’s) feelings and needs
  3. Brainstorm together to find a mutually agreeable solution
  4. Write down all ideas, without evaluating
  5. Decide which suggestions you like and you don’t like, and which you plan to follow through on.

「僕はやってない」問題. 誰がやったのかは問題ではないことを伝える。

3 Alternatives to Punishment

Point out a way to be helpful


Express strong disapproval without attacking character


State your expectations


Show the child how to make amends


Offer a choice

「歩くかカートに乗るかとっちか選んで」「道具をちゃんと戻すか、道具を使う特権を放棄するかどちらか選んで」 今勉強やるか5分後にやるか選ばせる作戦。

Take action


Allow the child to experience the consequence of his misbehavior

例: お店で騒いだ子は次の日に連れて行かないことにする。 勉強をしないconsequenceは何か?

Encouraging Autonomy

Let children make choices


Show respect to children’s struggles

分数なんて簡単だよ、ではなく分数は難しいからじっくり考えれば良いよ、って言えるようにしよう。 "That's hard for you"も駄目。誰でも最初は難しい。

Don’t ask too many questions


Don’t rush to answer questions


Encourage children to use sources outside home


Don’t take away hope




  • 「この点と丸が繋がってるんだね」
  • 「メモを丁寧にとっておいてくれたから折り返しの電話が簡潔にできたよ」
  • 「とうもろこしの缶が3つで割引になってるやつより隣のものの方が安いって気づいたんだね。すごいと思ったよ」


  • “You noticed that the plants were dry and you watered them. That’s what’s known as taking initiative.”

You can take away “good boy” by calling him “bad boy” the next day. But you can’t ever take away from him the time he cheered his mother with a get-well card, or the time he stuck with his work and persevered even though he was very tired.


  • 年齢に合った事を褒める
  • 以前ダメだったことは言わない
  • 当たり前のことが出来たことをどう褒めるのか? => “I really enjoyed the trip today”


With the old way, she felt good for the moment because she got a reward. With this new way, she feels good about herself as a person.

Feeling Children from Playing Roles

言うことを聞かない子に頑固な子と言うとそのまま頑固になってしまう(Self-fulfilling prophecy)。 自分自身を枠にはめずに育つには親は何ができるか。

Be a storehouse of child's special moment

Look for opportunities to show the child a new picture of himself or herself

例: 「3年前に買ったおもちゃなのに新品みたいだね。大切に使えてるね」

Put children in situations where they can see themselves differently


Let children overhear you say something positive about them


Model the behavior you’d like to see

Be a storehouse for your child’s special moment


When your child behaves according to the old label, state your feeling and/or your expectations


Putting it All Together


We want to find a way to live with one another so that we can feel good about ourselves and help the people we love feel good about themselves. We want to find a way to live without blame and recrimina-tion. We want to find a way to be more sensitive to one another's feelings. We want to find a way to express our irritation or anger without doing damage. We want to find a way to be respectful of our children's needs and to be just as respectful of our own needs. We want to find a way that makes it possible for our children to be caring and responsible. We want to break the cycle of unhelpful talk that has been handed down from generation to generation, and pass on a different legacy to our children—a way of communicating that they can use for the rest of their lives, with their friends, their coworkers, their parents, their mates, and one day with children of their own.

The next generation


子どもの気持ちに寄り添ってあげる。学校の後は疲れるのだ。 問題を子どもと一緒に解決する。案を書き出す。 先生とコミュニケーションする。