
To be a good software engineer


世界最大のヘッジファンド「ブリッジウォーター・アソシエイツ」を作ったRay Dalioがひとの生き方と仕事の取り組み方を説く本。


Deal with Reality

Weigh second and third-order consequences. For example, the first-order consequence of exercise is pain and time. Second-order consequence there is health and beautiful body.

5 Step Process to get what you want out of life

  1. Have clear goals.

2. Identify and don’t tolerate the problems that stand in the way of your achieving those goals.

3. Accurately diagnose the problems to get at their root causes.

4. Design plans that will get you around them.

5. Do what’s necessary to push these designs through to results.

Be Radically Open-Minded

Sincerely believe that you might not know the best possible path and recognize that your ability to deal well with “not knowing” is more important than whatever it is you do know.

Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently


Bridgewaterの中で40年間蓄積された判断方法。年次や職位によらない。Thoughtful disagreementは良い判断をするのに欠かせない。判断をコンピュータに記録した。

Trust in Radical Truth and Radical Transparency



Cultivate Meaningful Work and Meaningful Relationship


To me, a meaningful relationship is one in which people care enough about each other to be there whenever someone needs support and they enjoy each other’s company so much that they can have great times together both inside and outside of work.

Generosity is good and entitlement is bad


Don’t worry about looking good—worry about achieving your goals.

Remember to reflect when you experience pain.

Remember this: The pain is all in your head. If you want to evolve, you need to go where the problems and the pain are. By confronting the pain, you will see more clearly the paradoxes and problems you face. Reflecting on them and resolving them will give you wisdom. The harder the pain and the challenge, the better.

Get and Stay in Sync


4.3 Be open-minded and assertive at the same time.


Navigate between the different levels of the conversation. When considering an issue or situation, there should be two levels of discussion: the case at hand and the relevant principles that help you decide how the machine should work. You need to clearly navigate between these levels in order to handle the case well, test the effectiveness of your principles, and improve the machine so similar cases will be handled better in the future.
